The 1st Annual IAMD COE Conference was held on the 29th and 30th of September 2022 at the NMIOTC premises with the theme: ‘’Integrated Air and Missile Defence: Challenges and Threats, Developments and Opportunities in a Rapidly Changing Environment”.
The Conference was attended by 110 participants from 24 NATO Allied Nations, International Organizations, the academic community, and representatives from the industry.
The Deputy Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS), Vice Admiral Ioannis Drymousis opened the Conference with the Host Nation welcome address.
The Centre hosted nineteen (19) highly respective speakers from the IAMD domain and academia, and among them as keynote speakers were:
- Ms Radoslava STEFANOVA, NATO HQ, Head of Integrated Air and Missile Defence Section, NATO International Staff and
- Col Bruce BREDLOW (US ARMY), Commander of 52nd Air Defence Artillery Brigade,10th AAMDC and Chair NAT Panel on Air and Missile Defence.
The theme of the Conference was related to one of NATO’s essential continuous tasks in peacetime, crisis and conflict, namely safeguarding and protecting the Alliance’s territory, populations and forces against any air – missile threat and attack, with attendees having the opportunity to share knowledge and views on numerous important topics and issues.