On Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th of November 2021, the Integrated Air and Missile Defence Centre of Excellence (IAMD CoE), organized and hosted the 2nd meeting of the Steering Committee for the year 2021 (SCM 2/21).
SC members from Greece as Framework Nation and Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania and Turkey as Sponsoring Nations (SN) participated in the SCM. Representative from France, joined the SCM 2/21, as observer via VTC. The meeting was also attended by IAMD Subject Matter Expert from the HQ of the Supreme Allied Command Transformation (SACT).
During the SCM 2/21, the members approved the Centre’s Program of Work for the year 2021 (POW21) and the proposed Program of Work and Budget, for the following year (POW 22). The next meeting of the steering committee is scheduled again with physical presence in Crete in September 2022.