From 8 to 11 May 2023, IAMD COE successfully conducted the Surface Based Air and Missile Defence Common Education and Training Program (SBAMD CET-P). This was the very first course that ever held by the IAMD COE. It aims to educate and train tactical-level SBAMD operators in NATO Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) regarding the execution of SBAMD operations in NATO environment.
The course was attended by 26 officers from 11 countries (Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom) and delivered by experts from various NATO entities, such as IAMD COE, Allied Air Command (AIRCOM), Competence Center (CC) SBAMD, Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) UEDEM, CAOC TORREJON, and Joint Air Power Competence Center (JAPCC).
The program comprised of a four-day course that covered a wide range of topics, such as NATO IAMD, NATO Command and Control (C2) structure, Air C2 and Air Tasking Order (ATO) Cycle, Data Link connection, Threats to SBAMD forces, SBAMD planning principles and execution processes, reporting procedures, and other aspects of IAMD mission. It also included syndicate work and practical vignettes to enhance the learning experience. In general, the SBAMD Common CET-P contributes to the development of a common understanding and interoperability among NATO SBAMD forces.
The IAMD COE plans to conduct the SBAMD CET-P twice a year as part of its regular education and training activities with the next, for the year 2023, scheduled from 30 October to 2 November 2023.