Τhe Chief of Capabilities and Force Integration (CFIT) Branch/Allied Land Command (ALC), Colonel (OF-5) Massimo CROCCO BARISANO COLIZZA (ITA-A) visited the IAMD COE premises on the 21st and 22nd of July 2022.
He was escorted by Lt Col (OF-4) Ioannis TAVOULARIS (GRC-A), Staff Officer G3 CFIT/ALC.
The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the mission, facilities, and transformational capabilities of the Centre, to discuss topics of mutual interest and to recognize possible common fields for future cooperation.
CFIT is a new branch in NATO SSCs HQs dealing with Land Issues (there are similar CFITs in MARCOM and AIRCOM). These entities were created from BI-SC NATO Command Structure Adaptation Implementation. Their mission is to develop direct and persistent connections with NCS, NFS and National HQs across the Alliance ensuring these connections are mutually beneficial and built on trust and transparency to support SACEUR decision making process and assist in the maintenance of credible deterrence and defense.